Exhibition Baltic beauty 2017/ Izstāde Baltic Beauty 2017 (ENG/LAT)
(LAT) Jau vairākus gadus vēlējos apmeklēt Baltic Beauty Rīgā, Latvijā, lai apskatītu lielo dekoratīvās, ķermeņa un matu kosmētikas klāstu ko piedāvā dažādas kompānijas Latvijā.

Biju tur svētdienas vakarā un baidījos, ka tu vairāk nekā nebūs ko redzēt (jo daudzās izstādēs tā ir), bet šajā kņudēja un mudžēja no kosmētikas un cilvēku pārpilnības (bet tomēr par sestdienu salīdzinoši mierīgak, kas mani priecēja).
(ENG) For several years I have been looking to visit Baltic Beauty exhibition in Riga, Latvia, in order to see a wide range of decorative, body and hair cosmetics offered by various companies in Latvia.
Although i wasn't there for more than two hours (because I did not want my man to die haha), however, my idea came about, and I can say that it is only positive.
I was there on a Sunday night and was afraid that there would not have anything to see (because that is how it it in other exhibitions), but it plummeted and rumbled with a plenty of cosmetics and people (but still relatively calmer and quieter than Saturday, which pleased me).

Sākumā apmeklēju dekoratīvās kosmētikas zāli, jo tā mani interesēja visvairāk. Ļoti pārsteidza daudzie brendi par kuriem neko nebiju dzirdēju. Bet ejot tiem garām nokļuvu arī pie košās Kinetics nagu laku sienas ( kur arī iegādājos vienu gelish laku). Izstādes piedāvājums- 9.00Eur
Tālāk atradās skatuve ar apkrāsotām meitenēm, un tādu mākslu uz cilvēku sejas nekad nebiju redzējusi- vienreizēji.
(ENG) At first I visited the decorative cosmetics hall, because I was most interested in it. I was very impressed with the many brands I have not heard. But going past them, I got to the bright Kinetics nail polish walls (where I also bought one gelish polish). Exhibition offer - 9.00EUR
Next was a stage with colorful girls, and such an art on girls face made by using make-up I have never seen, amazing.
Ejot tālāk protams nevarēju neievērot NYX bagātīgo stendu, kur bija daudz vairāk apmeklētāju kā citur. Šoreiz no nyx neko neiegādājos lai gan jaunais adventes kalendārs ļoti kārdināja. Izstādes cena- 22Eur

(ENG) After that the NYX rich booth caught my eye, where there were many more visitors than anywhere else. This time I did not buy anything, although the new Advent calendar was very tempting. Exhibition price - 22EUR
Next, I noticed gosh and eyelure common stand. I saw a huge range of Gosh powders, and since I needed a new daily powders, I bought one for the exhibition price of 9.50eur and an eyebrow pencil from the EYELURE (I know the eyelure because of my favourite youtuber which is my idol and has had the cooperation with the Eyelure some time ago). Unfortunately, I did not see her created eyelashes.

(ENG) I was only looking for the most necessary products i needed to buy. Excluding eyebrow color from Beautyfor professional cosmetics. This is something new and definitely will write a review and suggestions from my first experience of eyebrow dyeing (the main thing is that the result would not be one big eyebrow).
Tālāk devos uz otru halli, kas bija uz matu kosmētiku orientēta. Šeit bija grūtāk orientēties ar piedāvājamo klāstu.. Tik daudz līdzīgu izskatu pudeļu, nedzirdētu brendu un matu kosmētikas, ka būtu vajadzējis vairāk laika. Bet matu eļļu pēc kuras ierados atradu, un šajā sakarā mani uzrunāja tieši Kardashians stends ar savu vienkāršumu, minimālismu un zemajām cenām (viss bija pārsvarā no 3-7eur). Iegādājos melno kauliņu eļļu matiem (7eur) un ar savu pirkumu esmu apmierināta. Noteikti, ka vēlāk savas domas par Kardashians matu kosmētiku izstāstīšu arī šeit.
(ENG) Then I went to the other hall that was geared toward haircare. It was harder here to get around with the range offered. So much similar looking bottles an unheard brands and companies and hair cosmetics that for this i would have needed more time. But i needed a hair oil and Kardashian beauty stand caught my eye by its simplicity, minimalism but luxurious look.. and the prices!!! Everything was mostly for about 3-8Eur. I bought Black seed hair oil (for 7 Eur) and I am satisfied with my purchase. Certainly, I will tell you later about my thoughts on Kardashians hair products.
Un kādās skaistuma izstādēs tu esi bijis un kā tev patika?
(ENG) That's all, and I hope that next year I will have possibility and time to visit this and other exhibitions much more seriously.
And what kind of beauty exhibition you have been to and how did you like?
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