DIY Valentine's day's cards
If your boyfriend appreciate cards, gifts and surprises which are made by your own hands just for him, than this is for you! 2 Simple ideas for greeting cards this Valentine' Day- Be creative!
1. For heart sewed card you will need: Red thread, scissors, pencil, white thick paper, needle
First you need to draw a heart on paper. After that punch small holes with needle, 1cm away from each other. Then start stitching/sewing one by one starting from the upper centre- firstly around the border but then across the heart going throught every hole into the paper. You can upgrade the card how you can- by writting I <3 YOU, or adding some extra decorations. Can also use white thread on red paper- I think that would look very interesting.
2. For Butterfly card you will need: Crepe paper, glue, white thick paper.
This is the easiest way. Just take crepe paper and cut out any kind of figures, use 2 colors: from one cut out bigger figure and in other one- smaller, so you can glue one inside the other and create that 3D look. This time i used butterflies (i already bought them like that in the store, but you can cut them out of crepe paper). Put them on paper where you want them to be and just glue :)
Hope you enjoyed! ~Kristella~
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